Our Procedures

Fibroblast Plasma Skin Tightening

About our Plasma Fibroblast skin tightening treatment:

Plasma Fibroblast is a non-surgical skin tightening treatment designed to shrink, tighten and reduce the volume of excess skin by targeting fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are collagen and protein-producing cells in the dermis - the layer of skin just below your outermost skin layer.

This treatment aims to improve the skin’s appearance by using plasma, which is a hot, gas-like substance, to stimulate the fibroblast cells in the deeper layer of the skin to repair the outer skin layers. Some institutions describe plasma as the fourth state of matter, along with solid, liquid, and gas.

A fibroblast is a type of skin cell that secretes collagen proteins in the dermis, the layer of the skin just below the outermost skin layer. These cells play an important role in wound healing and maintaining skin firmness and tightness.

regain your

beautiful skin

and get to know your younger self

exceptional results

in as little as one session